Peter's Journey
Thursday 1 February 2007
  Online Myspace Videos: more of petes videos
Online Myspace Videos: more of petes videos


Tuesday 30 January 2007
  The Video Sense
In my earlier post I talked about The Secret. I was searching the web to see if the was a video of it online whose link I could put here for people to find, and I found it. Now The Secret has some fantastic, awe inspiring information, but I believe is only one half of the equation. The other half is to take MASSIVE ACTION!

At about the same time, I came across a way of generating an income without any capital outlay and is very enjoyable, especially if you like making, watching and sharing videos online. You follow a ten step process, which is all laid out for you to follow, which take most the the hard work out! All you have to do is register for a free account and follow the steps.

The website is If you are unable to click on the link, cut and paste it into the address bar. Feel free to browse through the videos that I have downloaded or submitted from either Goolge Video or You Tube. The first video I submitted was The Secret which you can watch here


Thursday 4 January 2007
  Happy New Year
Given the time of year, I thought this would be of interest.

Which Scottish poet wrote 'Auld Lang Syne' around 1789 and what does the title mean?

On which date was New Year's Day celebrated in Anglo-Saxon England and which Norman king first decreed that the year should begin on 1st January?

Which well known poet explored his changing religious beliefs in a poem entitled 'New Year Letter', first published in 1941?

In which theatre was Michael Tippett's opera 'New Year' first performed in 1989?

Which Year are the Chinese celebrating between 18 February 2007 - 8 February 2008?

The arrival of the New Year provides another opportunity to remind ourselves that there is a wealth of information on the various on-line services. A lot of these services are available through your local library service. In some instances, if you are a registered member of your local library service, you can access these services at home or terminals in other public access arenas.

The five questions above can be answered from on-line sources such as KnowUK, Encyclopedia Britannica and the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Searching for 'New Year' on KnowUK, to take one example, produced calendar information from Whitaker's Almanac, an article on the Scottish HogmanayCelebrations from the Hutchinson Encyclopedia of Britain, and tourist information on places to see in the new year from the Financial Times World Desk Reference. KnowUK also includes a listing of major events in 2007. From KnowUK, we learn that a health psychologist from Cardiff has devised a formula to find the unhappiest day of the year, which usually falls in January. Factors involved in his calculation include Christmas debts, poor weather, failed new year resolutions, and returning to work!

On that note, I wish you all a Happy New Year.


Monday 25 December 2006
  The Secret
One of things I have found over the last few months or so, is the coming together of a series of events. Books I have read, events/seminars attended or recommendations from someone. They all seem to have been connected in some way or other. One such recommendation was "The Secret". This is a phenomenon that is sweeping the world and its impact on pepole's lives, thoughts and aspirations is absolutley awe inspiring. It has affected my way of thinking and living my life. If you get a chance to watch it, do, it may chnage the way you do and see things.


Monday 18 December 2006
  First Post
I am tentatively entering a world I do not really know, but hope to enjoy the experience. I am hoping to record my journey from being totally dependant on my job to just get by, to a place and time where it has been replaced by several income streams. Over the last couple of months a series of events and circumstances have taken place that have impacted on my mindset. I firmly believe that if I apply myself and follow the examples of those who have succeeded, learning and understanding how they have achieved their success, I too will achieve mine. So here goes!



Location: United Kingdom
December 2006 / January 2007 / February 2007 /

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